Some notes by Kelly:
I attended the help the director new to England in session 1. He is from Ubekistan and is looking for help in trying to get a show on as the system of doing so in his own country differs from the British System, he has a show that he is trying to take to Venues. We were joined by another young director called Sophie Besse who is putting her first production on next year at The Etcetera Theatre next April. I am interested in connecting with such people as I am doing an MA in Creative Producing at Birkbeck, so it is interesting to hear about other people's experiences. We all agreed that in persuading venues to take your production it is helpful to have some weight behind you, such as a previous body of work, reviews, comments, footage. It is difficult for first timers. Saying that though if you provide a detailed yet succinct "pitch pack" your chances should improve. We also spoke about researching the right venues for the audience you want your story to reach and how to get funding/resources from a variety of interesting sources, including Embassies.
hah! I love this. I couldn't get there last night, but I told Yuldosh D&D would be perfect for him, he went, and the report is already up. Brilliant.